Year 11-13

NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3

Senior Course Structure 

The 2024 Senior School is broken in two two semesters. Semesters allow for more choice for the students, being able to choose a total of 12 courses for the year. Students take 6 subjects in each semester.

Students should think about what requirements they need for their future when making their choices.

The 2025 Senior School course books will be out in September, 2024.

Subject Selection Information

In selecting a programme, students need to ask themselves:

  • What qualifications do I want to gain while at school?

  • What qualifications or courses do I need for tertiary study or the work I hope to do when I leave school?

  • Does my subject selection have enough flexibility if I change my direction?

  • Am I aware of any pre-requisites for subjects I wish to do later?

  • Will I succeed in this course?

  • Will I be appropriately challenged?

  • Have I explored all my options?

  • Have I spoken with my Parents, Teachers, Dean or Careers Teacher

  • Do not choose subjects for the wrong reasons, such as your friends are doing it.

Getting advice

  • Talk to your Parents.

  • Talk to your Teachers.

  • Talk with Ms Burgess (Careers)

  • Go online to

  • Go online to  Otago University

  • Go online to Otago Polytechnic

  • Go online to another training organisation that you are interested in.

Make it