International Students

Prospectus can be found here.

Book an appointment to discuss what we can do for you.

Tokomairiro welcomes all international students from years 7-13. Students may enrol for a full years course or any time during the year for a short course. Here's what you can expect from Tokomairiro High school:

  • Facilities of a city school in a country setting

  • Small class size means individual attention

  • No big city distractions

  • Modern facilities

  • Outdoor education is part of the PE programme – includes camping, biking, hiking and more

  • Friendly community

  • Friendly, helpful homestays

  • Otago University and Polytechnic are only a 40-minute drive north

After we receive the application form, the student will be informed by email of what the process looks like. When the student arrives in Milton, their homestay family will show them around Milton and at school, the International staff will provide an orientation of the school.


All International students must live with a parent, guardian, school-approved homestay or a designated caregiver. Homestay accommodation is with families who have been carefully selected to provide a high standard of care. The families are monitored to ensure they maintain proper care, and students have regular contact with international staff to check in on their well-being.

As Milton is a small community, students appreciate that they can walk or bike to school from their homestay or if on a farm, catch the school bus to the school gate.

Past Students

Robert from Germany
I found that I knew almost everyone my age and the school supported me individually with my programme.

Proud from Bangkok, Thailand
I loved Tokomairiro and found all the students very friendly and I loved shopping in Queenstown!

Lara from Germany
I feel like a small school is more personal than the big school I am in in Germany. I really enjoyed the countryside, from the big mountains to the beautiful beaches.

Noah from Germany
Tramping (hiking) the Kepler track with some students was my biggest highlight followed by Geography camp at Tautuku.

Calvin and Terry from Hong Kong.
We had only two weeks in Milton but it was good to join in at Tokomairiro for classes and make friends and go to ESOL class to help with our English.

Mary Hart, Head of International Students