Every activity at Tokomairiro High School count towards gaining recognition. These are badges and certificates which reflect the time a student has given to a particular area of school.
A student can play two years of Hockey in Year 7-8 and two years of Basketball in Year 9-10 for example and this would count as a Silver recognition in Sport. They must be in different years to qualify.
Recognitions sit alongside the academic qualifications our students earn. It shows all sides of a student’s experience, and shows potential employers their willingness to engage in a range of different activities, as well as sticking to it for a period of time, particularly 6 years for Gold and 7 Years for reaching Diamond standard.
Recognitions are applied for in Term 2 of each year and awarded at a special ceremony in Term 3. Recognitions are designed for every activity within the school, and every student can earn one. Recognitions are for everyone.
Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei - Seek you the little treasure of your heart; If you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.